141: Gomer Pyle Writes Gay Love Letters


“Love Letters to Sarge” (January 29, 1965)

Not only is this the only installment of a podcast that will explain the gay history of Gomer Pyle and the man who played him, but also it’s the only discussion of Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C to feature relevant clips from both The Simpsons and Sailor Moon, because that’s the kind of show this is. Special thanks to listener Robyn Pavlakovich for suggesting this episode. 

Watch this great explainer video on Gomer Pyle and Jim Nabors by friend of the show Matt Baume.

Watch the video of Jim Nabors and Rock Hudson appearing on The Carol Burnett Show, just two years before the rumors ended their friendship.

Listen to Drew talk about Pete’s Dragon on the Inside the Disney Vault podcast.

Find out what TV shows are part of the Tommy Westphall extended universe.

Purchase the first issue of Drew and Glen’s new comic anthology, Beyond Sunset.


Episode artwork by Ian O’Phelan.

Drew Mackie